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Tel: 514-691-5425
Need a photo of Passport, Citizenship, Residence, driving license...
I offer you a fast and professional service for your Canadian, French, baby, child, adult passport photos... 100% guaranteed
Take photos and print in less than 15 minuteses.
Info:514-691-5425 (by appointment)
Info:514-691-5425 (Sur rendez-vous)
Photo Passport
Baby from 0 to 5 years old,($35.00)
Before taking the photo...
IIt is important not to put any crememe shiny which could cause reflections, tinted glasses have been prohibited since May 9, 2015.
Do not smile in the photo and keep your mouth closed. The photos are valid for a period of 6 months to apply for your passport.
Here is a useful little link for your online application to Passport Canada.
Voici un petit lien utile pour votre demande en ligne à passeport Canada.
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